A Macaulay Mountain Scavenger Hunt – Fresh air fun at a (physical) distance
Update – April 19, 2021 – Quinte Conservation areas are currently open for passive recreational uses (i.e. walking, biking, etc.). Please follow all current public health guidelines, including keeping your distance from people outside your household. Parking is no longer free – it is $5/day or $50/year. Click here for detailed parking information.
Original post (March 20, 2020) – In the week since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, options for family outings have dwindled. Provincial parks like Sandbanks are closed (including for day use) and, between physical distancing requirements and emerging research on how long the Coronavirus remains on surfaces, playgrounds are off limits. Many families don’t have access to a private outdoor space, and you might already be looking for alternatives to neighbourhood strolls.
Enter this handy Macaulay Mountain Conservation Area Scavenger Hunt! Fortunately, Quinte Conservation’s areas remain open, and parking is free in an effort to encourage use by those looking for healthy ways to practice social distancing.
All of the items can be found in Birdhouse City and along Whattam’s Memorial Walkway, between Birdhouse City and the parking lot behind Macaulay Heritage Park. So break out the clipboards, pack up the immediate fam, and head over to this local gem. If you come across other visitors, give a friendly wave and keep your distance, and remember to take precautions against ticks – ’tis the season!
View and download the scavenger hunt.

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